At 17, makeup artist and Internet sensation James Charles has accomplished more than many people his age. Charles gained notoriety after his perfect yearbook photo went viral.
Since then, he’s garnered a substantial Instagram following (629k followers at the time we published this article) and became the very first easy, breezy, beautiful spokesperson.
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It’s a monumental moment for the brand; Charles is the first male model to be crowned a CoverGirl. If that’s not spectacular enough, Charles was introduced by fellow CoverGirl Katy Perry.
He expressed his enthusiasm in an Instagram post, saying, “I am so beyond excited and overwhelmed and happy and astonished and of course, SHOOK, to announce that I am the newest face of @covergirl.” He added, “First ever male ambassador for the brand and I am so honored and excited to be working with such an iconic brand.”
The company commented on their decision to include Charles, stating, “All of our CoverGirls are role models and boundary breakers, fearlessly expressing themselves, standing up for what they believe, and redefining what it means to be beautiful. James Charles is no exception.”