Have you seen these #HotBoysForBernie?
Is there anything hotter than using your voice to inspire political change? What about using your body? #HotBoysForBernie has a bone to pick with the administration, and they’re doing it with thirst traps and mirror selfies.
If the 2016 campaign was all about feeling the Bern, 2020 is suddenly all about feeling the thirst. Somewhere, hidden beneath many layers of irony there’s a message of political empowerment, and darn it if we can’t get behind that.
It all started with the hashtag, #HotGirlsForBernie where Twitter user @HotGirls4Bernie proclaimed that all Sanders supporters are hot and encouraged all guys to join the movement.
Today! Let’s goooooo #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/XFFAuvRmMt
— Hot Girls For Bernie (@HotGirls4Bernie) January 31, 2020
Another user was inspired to start a #HotFolxForBernie, and you just can’t hate that enby representation now can you?
— Dr. ₿aker (@mayatheinferno) February 1, 2020
Add this to our “you can’t make this stuff up” pile, filed under “too 2020 to function.” So, without further ado … bring back my boys.
i love vanity for a good cause #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/YxjLg037b8
— giabuchi (@jaboukie) January 31, 2020
not as hot as the world will get if we don’t fight climate change #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/eusxdWZGn6
— froylan (@froynextdoor) January 31, 2020
I ate bagels this morning. I may not have all my abs visible but a boy’s gotta eat.
Vote and campaign for Bernie Sanders. Donate today.#hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/fIlDHBrbh4
— Mohammad (@WongKarWax) January 31, 2020
I’m ready to fight the economic and social issues we face today…all while being a hot boy #HotBoysForBernie pic.twitter.com/48YZsDO0sX
— Elliott Canty (@ElliottCanty) January 31, 2020
hopping on the trend to tell yall to donate#hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/Pgdp2TeG1j
— Saint Jake (@TheJakeBridges) February 1, 2020
Wait, was today the day we were supposed to do #hotboysforbernie????? pic.twitter.com/9lMRnR0E1z
— The Piss Whisperer (@proletariatscum) January 31, 2020
Is there a goth category for #hotboysforbernie ?? pic.twitter.com/St9KXkXTme
— gilet jawn (@johnnycashapp) January 31, 2020
If you vote for bernie your a hottie dems the rules #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/uX0F7QcQoE
— Michael Aurelio (@aurelioacts) January 31, 2020
this ones for the fellas #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/H3DB6YZ0un
— hasanabi (@hasanthehun) January 31, 2020
#hotboysforbernie our digital and social team boys pic.twitter.com/iM8ZAOba5J
— tahseen (@tahseenmachine) January 31, 2020
Not as hot as Medicare for All #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/EXqhgXX6G6
— Douglas (@dugpol) January 31, 2020
Gotta join this movement for Bernie #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/1zrCSlL74Y
— Proud BernieBoo (????) (@Serkturk) January 31, 2020
We are all #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/31xx8zNMKt
— Peter Lucas (@Luc_pete) January 31, 2020
#HotBoysForBernie straight from the source pic.twitter.com/Dr2atK3RC9
— Chris Witschy (@filmthebern) January 31, 2020
One dollar donated to Bernie for every 10 likes let’s gooooo #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/RmM69EEwi3
— Justin Charles (@justincharles) January 31, 2020
A real photo of me, Matt, one of the many #hotboysforbernie, about to go out canvassing. pic.twitter.com/2XiQcKy0xE
— Matt Stone???? (@Matt___Stone) January 31, 2020
Fine. #hotboysforbernie will donate a dollar for every let’s say 10 likes pic.twitter.com/AdNvEVjFqc
— Tyler Quick (@fakeTylerQuick) January 31, 2020
This is a repost, but ????????♂️ #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/gJNujqLyKk
— David Blight Stan Account (@KBTM30) January 31, 2020
if you’re voting for Bernie you’re hot I don’t make the rules #hotboysforbernie pic.twitter.com/Kfod40j1Ku
— malarxist (@ZacKolbusz) January 31, 2020