The silver fox finally did it and became a daddy. World, please welcome Gus Kenworthy-Cooper. That’s right, the CNN host and skier couldn’t hide the secret any longer; Cooper’s the daddy of an adorable 288-month-old Olympian.
Now, we can’t confirm, but sources say Andy Cohen will serve as the Godfather to Gus. Mazel tov, boys!
Kenworthy talked to Rolling Stone about his new daddy:
“He’s a total sweetheart. He’s sort of turned into a father figure to me. He reached out and offered advice after I came out. Basically, he said, ‘If you need anything, just ask. I understand what it’s like to be out in the public eye.’ He said, ‘You’re a great kid.’ So he’s been really supportive. They arranged for me to be on the show for New Year’s Eve and it was one of the most surreal experiences: to be a skier from a small town and co-hosting a ball drop in Times Square was insane. It was out of the realm of anything I thought was possible. We got to overlook a sea of people. It was completely insane.”
Well, Gus, we understand why you needed a daddy and why you picked Anderson. Congrats!