Watch a Drag Queen Get Crowned Prom King

We love to see it!

If you’re like us, you never tire of seeing a drag queen earn her crown, and this example is no exception. The drag queen in question was a high school senior, and the crown was for prom king.

Graduating high school student Cristian Hernandez, 18, accepted his crown in full drag. Dressed in a black, glittering sequin gown and a wavy blond wig, Hernandez confidently accepted the crown, and the crowd loved it. Hernandez walked the red carpet to the cheers of his adoring subjects…I mean classmates. The video is on TikTok.

@hotboycristian king… queen… whatever you wanna call it im still that bitch #prom #promking #promqueen #drag #gay #LGBT #mothersday #queen #rupualsdragrace #makeup ♬ original sound – Cristian????

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“Honestly, when I walked out there, I left everybody speechless,” Hernandez told NBC News. “In my head, I’m thinking ‘I’m not going to win.’ I was just praying to the gay lords.” Well, the gay lords answered his prayer that day at the Jeffersonville High School prom, and we couldn’t be more proud. “I want to inspire people to try and break down those barriers that have been put up,” Hernandez added.

The queen-made-king also had advice for other LGBTQ+ students out there. “Really be yourself, and confidence is key. You can’t let people tear you down.”

Amen to that. As far as we’re concerned, every queer youth out there deserves their day on the throne.


Ray Monaghan
Ray Monaghan
Ray has been growing audiences on social since the early days of YouTube in 2008. In 2014 growing audiences became their full-time job, eventually setting their sights on queer joy and education.