In case you missed it, the trailer for Stonewall dropped last week and a lot of folks are not happy. Apparently, the film strays too far from the truth, and the filmmakers made changes to history for cinematic appeal.
The film, directed by Roland Emmerich, is based on the 1969 Stonewall riots and the beginning of the LGBT rights movement. Some moviegoers, particularly from the LGBT community complained that the film’s ending is completely inaccurate.
Whether you like Stonewall or not, it’s definitely worth a watch. For more information about the film, read the short synopsis below and watch the trailer at the top of this article.
STONEWALL is a drama about a fictional young man caught up during the 1969 Stonewall Riots. Danny Winters (Jeremy Irvine) is forced to leave behind friends and loved ones when he is kicked out of his parent’s home and flees to New York. Alone in Greenwich Village, homeless and destitute, he befriends a group of street kids who soon introduce him to the local watering hole The Stonewall Inn; however, this shady, mafia-run club is far from a safe-haven. As Danny and his friends experience discrimination, endure atrocities and are repeatedly harassed by the police, we see a rage begin to build. This emotion runs through Danny and the entire community of young gays, lesbians and drag queens who populate the Stonewall Inn and erupts in a storm of anger. With the toss of a single brick, a riot ensues and a crusade for equality is born.